Velvet Temple, Woken Dream
Velvet Temple, Woken Dream was presented as an immersive multi-media experience at The Parlour Gallery in August, 2024. Video and photography by Ryn Wilson in collaboration with Rebecca Allen, Robyn LeRoy-Evans, Hunter Davis, and MG Bernard.
Welcome to Velvet Temple, Woken Dream, a space for ancient alchemical healing. Here you can partake in a number of rejuvenating experiences to calm your nervous system and gently quiet your mind. As you enter the space, breathe in the soft scent of earth and water, enticing you into this alternate realm. Feel yourself summoned by soothing sounds into the Garden of Hygiea, a guided video meditation, where all of your worries and pains will be released into the healing hands of the sisterhood of Asklepiades. Together these wise women will use the secret knowledge of the snake to concoct the perfect potion of medicinal herbs and cure all that ails you. Lay back on soft cushions. Relax. Allow the witch sisters to take absolute care of you. After this immersive treatment, you are invited to wander the halls of the temple, sinking into the surroundings of various multi-media meditative experiences. Video, photography, and paintings invite you to clear your mind, connect with nature, and lose yourself in the infinite embrace of the universe. You may return anytime. The sisterhood of Asklepiades will be here. Waiting for you.
Sacred Goddess Hygiea, bring them health
Sacred Goddess Aceso, bring them a cure
Sacred Goddess Panacea, bring the potion
Sacred Goddess Laso, bring them recuperation
Sacred Goddess Aegle, bring them splendor